Paintings > Landscapes in Oil and Acrylic

Tree Resurrection Light acrylic painting by Amy Feger
Tree, Resurrection, Light
Acrylic on Panel

Tree, Resurrection, and Light is a portrait of my own home and an eighty-year-old oak tree employing Google Earth images to access a now-extinct landscape. The tree, planted at the time my house was built in 1925, had to be removed in 2015 after a lightning strike caused its untimely and rapid decline. This particular image examines my personal connectivity with the built and the natural environment which is a thread that runs through the majority of my artworks. The painting also represents the varying degrees of ambiguity and distortion of space, time, and reality that I have found in recalled memories and the virtual representations my local landscape. Throughout this body of work, I compare my personal observations in familiar landscapes to the presentation of the same landscapes in the public venue of the internet.